AVIS IMPORTANT - Veuillez vous rendre au Cambridge English Basel Centre pour vous inscrire à tous les examens à Genève et à Lausanne. Dans la liste déroulante, sélectionnez le lieu Genève ou Lausanne.

B1 Preliminary for Schools

Preliminary for Schools qualification shows that a student has mastered the basics of English and now has practical language skills for everyday use.

This exam is the logical step in a student’s language learning journey between Key for Schools and First for Schools.

Preliminary for Schools is targeted at the same CEFR level as Preliminary  but with content aimed at school-age learners rather than adults.

Exam Format

Preliminary for Schools is made up of three papers developed to test your English skills: Reading and Writing (1 hour 30 minutes), Listening (36 minutes, including 6 minutes' transfer time), Speaking (10–12 minutes per pair of candidates).


You can find many free resources to help you prepare for the exam. Download our free sample papers to prepare the reading, the listening and the writing part. All answers will be provided.

Prepare now

Additional practice


There are many exam dates throughout the year offering both paper-based and computer-based exams Preliminary for Schools.


Preliminary for Schools results are reported on the Cambridge English Scale.

You will receive a separate score for each skill, giving you a clear understanding of your performance. These scores are averaged to give you an overall result for the exam. You will also be given a grade and Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) level.

Sample Preliminary for Schools Statement of Results

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